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nuclear family 核心家庭〔由父母與子女組成〕。

nuclear fission

This “ original nuclear family “ symbolized the holy trinity to many early christian believers and solidified the family unit with such deep spiritual significance that it eventually became an integral part of the catholic religious dogma , which has a tenet belief in the holy family 這個“最初的核心家庭”對于很多早期的基督教信仰者來說,是象征著神圣的三位一體,用這么深的靈性象征來團結和鞏固這個家庭,它最終變成了天主教信仰的一個主要部分,對一個神圣家族有一個信仰的原則。

With the aging degree gradually intensified , the family scale is becoming smaller and smaller ( by the end of 2001 , there had been 3 . 5 people per family in zhengzhou ) , the number of the empty - net family and the nuclear family is continuously rising , an average family ' s economy and energy on supporting the aged at home are being weakened 隨著鄭州市老齡化程度的日益加劇,鄭州市的家庭規模日趨小型化( 2001年底,戶均人口: 3 . 5人) ,空巢家庭和核心家庭日漸增多,使家庭養老無論在經濟支撐還是生活照料方面都大大削弱了。青年人不堪重負,迫切需要社會養老設施的支持。

3 ) we tested total - family association , within - family association ( via tdt ) , and linkage , between the bsrbl marker and bone phenotypes ( bmd and bone size ) at the spine and the hip ( femoral neck , torchanter and intertrochanter ) in chinese 402 nuclear families with a total number of 1263 , and found the suggestive linkage ( p - 0 . 037 ) between the il - 6 bsrbl maker and the li _ 4 spine bmd . no significant association and linkage was found for bone size and hip bmd . the present studies represented molecular genetic research of bone mineral density , and identified some factors related to bmd in chinese 3 )在征集的402個核心家庭包括1263個個體組成的上海樣本中,利用傳遞不平衡檢測法( tdt ) 、關聯分析和連鎖分析,檢測了白介素6基因和不同骨骼位點(腰椎、股骨頸、大轉子、轉子間區)的骨密度、骨大小之間的連鎖和/或關聯關系,并發現白介素6基因的bsrb工標記和控制腰椎骨密度的數量性狀位點( qtl )之間存在連鎖的證據( p = 0 . 037 ) 。

Especially since the last 10 years , rural economics and family structure have changed rapidly - more nuclear families , more separations of the youth with the aged after marriage , more young people going up into cities for business and trade , which are pounding the traditional pattern of family supporting in the countryside . therefore , the settlement of the supporting for the aged in the countryside is more and more urgent 尤其是近十年以來,隨著市場經濟在我國的逐步建立,農村經濟及家庭結構變化迅速,農村核心家庭增多,青年人婚后與老人分居現象較為普遍,而且中青年農民外出經商、打工者也在不斷增加,這些變化使得中國農村傳統的家庭養老模式受到很大沖擊,農村養老問題的解決越來越緊迫了。

There are more and more different household types , e . g . nuclear family , single - parent family , one person household , etc . , the trends in household structure will have implications on housing demand and planning . there is a need to examine the trends of household structure 香港涌現了多種住戶形態,如核心家庭、單親家庭、獨居住戶等;家庭結構的趨勢,將對住屋需求及未來規劃有所影響,故宜探討住戶結構的發展趨勢。

Statistics indicate that the alternatives to traditional nuclear families - single parent families , stepfamilies , and children living with other family members , such as grandparents - are less satisfactory for the mental health of the children 統計資料顯示,有別于只包含父母與親生子女的傳統家庭的其他方式,例如單親家庭、再婚家庭或讓孩子與其他親戚如祖父母生活在一起,孩子的心理健康都是令人不滿意的。

This is because , with smaller families , more wealth and less leisure time , the new year celebrations could be conveniently telescoped into three components : the nuclear family reunion dinner , giving of hong bao and eating yu sheng ( raw fish ) 隨著小家庭越來越普遍,人們越來越富裕但也越來越少閑暇的時間,新年的慶祝活動可能被濃縮成三個部分:限于核心家庭的團圓飯、派紅包和撈魚生。

Well its being rewritten , the definition of a community of people who have an affection for each other can be called quote a family . and then we come in with words , adjectives like nuclear family , which mean different things to different persons 因此我們有核心家庭,對不同的人有不同意義而我贊同的,不是潮流流行的,而是傳統的對家的標準定義,這是受著愛的定義影響。

We performed familial correlation and complex segregation analyses ( class d regressive model ) for body mass index in a chinese sample composed of 401 nuclear families , with 1 , 260 total individuals 本文通過對中國人群中體重指數的家系關聯分析和復雜分離分析( d回歸模型)來決定中國人群中體重指數的遺傳率以及遺傳模式。樣本由401個核心家庭共1 , 260個個體組成。

For example , men were four times as likely to regret telling their nuclear family , especially their parents , that they were hiv positive , as they were to regret disclosing that information to friends , study findings show 研究報告稱,這些男人在向自己家庭的核心成員特別是父母披露病情時產生后悔情緒的可能性是將此信息告知朋友時產生后悔情緒的可能性的4倍。

Family , especially nuclear family takes a basic function that provides an efficient intergeneration learning , which makes “ grandson ’ s restrain ” possible . hence , even an ego would trust in intergeneration 家庭尤其是核心家庭的主要功能之一是形成了有效的代際學習機制,使得隔代約束成為可能,并因此確保了在自利條件下,代際投資信用均衡的形成。

Nuclear families with two elderly members who have applied under the special scheme for families with elderly persons will be allocated two separate flats in the same block in a new town two years before normal allocation 家有兩名長者的核心家庭,則可通過“新市樂天倫”優先配屋計劃,較正常輪候時間提前兩年在新市鎮同一幢大廈獲配兩個獨立單位。

However , in ageing , modernization and urbanization wave impact , china ' s rural families is from mainstay family or joint family to nuclear family in the process of gradual transforming , the old - age concept has undergone enormous changes 然而今天贍養父母卻成了兒女們極大的負擔,都極力回避這一責任和義務,過去那種母慈子孝的社會已大打折扣。

I am away from my extended family , but i spend a lot of time with my nuclear family and find my relationship with my wife and three children to be very rewarding 我沒有和我大家族的人住在一起,但我卻花很多時間和我的妻兒老小呆在一起并且發現我和我的妻子和三個孩子的關系是很值得這么做的。

With the speedy development of society , the focus of loyalty has been steadily narrowing from the big family to the nuclear family , the home cell of parents and children 隨著社會的飛速發展,法國人為之忠誠的中心從原來的大家庭轉移到了小的核心家庭,也就是那種由孩子和父母組成的微型家庭。

A sample of 1 , 260 subjects from 401 chinese nuclear families ( including both parents and their daughters ) were studied . the daughters “ ages ranged from 20 to 45 years 征集的樣本為包含1 , 260個個體的401個中國核心家庭(包括父母雙親及其女兒) ,女兒的年齡為20到45歲(絕經前婦女) 。

I am away from my extended family , but i spend a lot of time with my nuclear family and find my relationship with my wife and three children to be very rewarding 我遠離了我的傳統式擴大家庭,不過我花很多時間呆在我的核心小家庭里,然后發現我與妻子和三個孩子的相處使我獲益良多。

In the culture of poverty the nuclear family is female centered , with the mother performing the basic tasks that keep the family going . the father makes only a slight contribution 在貧困的文化中,原子家庭以女性為中心,母親承擔養家糊口的重擔,父親的作用不是很大。

As social scientists study these two new family form , they will be able to tell us more about the future of the nuclear family in the post - industrial age 隨著社會學家們對這兩種新的家庭模式的研究,他們將能夠告訴我們后工業化時期有關核心家庭未來的更多的情況。